Summer Picture

This is a photo of my aunt and uncle  in Brooklyn  from two July’s ago. Lots of things about this photo scream summer to me. The sunlight peaking in through the bright green trees shows the time of year it is. The pink and summery colors of both the surrounding area and my aunts dress colors really emphasize summer. I also just love this picture it’s very summer love.

5/2 Photo Observation


This video, taken by me, reminds me of summer because my dads cars are finally out of storage and I look forward to cruising around at night (often getting ice cream too!)

Photo Observation 5/2

Ending the photo assignments the way that they started, I honed in on memories of summer nights on a lake. The sunset is warm and calm and the silhouette effect of the foreground and distant hills creates an idyllic, post card feeling that brings the feeling of summer and long days and warm nights.

Summer to Me- Mickey Estrella

This photo is summer to me because of the location and vibrancy of the colors around me. I feel like at Disneyland, everything is so much brighter, especially in the summertime. The bubbles, bright blues, and overall saturation are so warm and summery.


There is nothing more summer to me than the beach. This picture is pretty simple but that’s part of why I like it. The colors of the beach furniture are very pleasant to me and the brightness of the sun makes me want to be there feeling the heat of the sun on my skin. To me this image is happiness and relaxation.

Photo Observation 5/2

I took this photo over the summer visiting my family in Iowa. This picture was taken just after sunset, and the setting sun really enhances the vibrant blue of the sky. The lighting and sky was also so beautiful there overall because we were in the middle of nowhere, so there was no light pollution to block the colors. This lighting feels like summer for me because of how long the sky stays bright after the sunset, and it brings out nostalgic feelings for me, which also reminds me of the end of summer.

Lighting Observation – part twelve

5/1/2024 – 10:52 pm – outside of the Hofstra library

Objective: The outside lights surrounding the building illuminate the sky’s misty fog.

Subjective: The outside lights brighten up the tower’s visibility and glow from the night sky’s fog. Because of the brightness of the glow, the sky was strangely grey in the late evening, which brought a mysterious effect when walking back to my dorm.

summer post

photographed by me

These photos represent what summer means to me. The clear blue sky with no clouds in sight, small amount of the leafy shade covering the grass, every color in nature is vibrant and alive; this is what summer looks like to me. And what better way to represent the feeling summer is my dog. He smiles more in the summer because everyone is around and he gets to go outside and terrorize the neighbors and woodland creatures more.

Lighting Observation April 26

Friday Dance Concert 9:20PM

Objective: the lights are off, but there are orange dotted lights lining the floor. There are some colored lights coming from the sound booth. Onstage, the lighting is dim, but there is a light coming in from the top corner stage right that slowly lowers down. It slowly makes the dancers more and more visible.

Subjective: It feels like a sunrise on stage, but since the lights are on the floor and I can see the lights from the sound booth, it takes me out of the sunrise and makes me very aware I am watching a performance. The lighting forces me to lock in to the stage and really be drawn into what is going on. The lighting feels uplifting, but also with elements of sadness.

VVL Seasons

Sunset – based on the photos I looked at, the sunsets in New England have a lot of warm tones to them, so I tried to capture the warm redness/orangeness of the sky when the sun sets.

  1. Deep straw full
  2. Flesh pink full
  3. Light red full
  4. No color gel full
  5. Golden amber full
  6. Floor lights- golden amber full

Sunrise – for the sunrise in the cathedral, I was inspired by stain glass windows. There was a lot of cooler tones and purples in the sunrise, so I tried to make the lighting have the early morning coolness, while capturing a stained glass type of feel with the different directions of light.

Floor lights – deep straw full

  1. Deep lavender – 60
  2. Deep lavender – 65
  3. Primary blue – full
  4. Primary blue -40
  5. Deep straw- full
  6. Golden amber – full
  7. Light red- 75
  8. Pale apricot – 70
  9. Deep lavender – 80
  10. Primary blue – 35

Summer day – for the summer day in Africa, I stayed simple with earth tones and yellow lighting for the sun. I put a sun in the corner of the lighting to try and capture a hot afternoon sun in Africa.

Floor lights – moss green full

  1. No color – full
  2. Deep straw- full
  3. Deep straw – full
  4. No color – full
  5. Golden amber – full
  6. Deep straw – full

Winter in North Dakota – I tried to make it feel cold with the blue tones, and signified that it was day time with the white overhead light.

Floor lights – partial blue full 

  1. Partial sky full 
  2. Partial sky full
  3. No color full


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